Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte - Black Lake Confidence

Format: LP
Label: Trips und Träume
Cat #: TT21
Year: 2013
Country: Italy
File under: Funeral Jazz, Doomstep, Death Dub
Hailing from the lurky night of Rome, Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte (aka M.M.M.) built themselves a reputation in hardboiled jazz mixed up with harsh noise, dark ambient, cinematic dub.
"Black Lake Confidence", their 6th studio effort, marks a huge step forward towards doomjazz and postgarage ambient, delivering some of the darkest and dramatic stuff ever.
Following the critical acclaimed "Hard Boiled Night Club", for the very first time the band switches from sample-oriented patchwork to live instruments, including drums, bass & electric guitars, saxophone, grand piano and marimba.
Post production and electronics play still a big role in songwriting for sure, though M.M.M. is aiming for more songstructured compositions with ambience and noise still part of the game.
The album, anticipated by the single "Just You & I" a classic Badalamenti/ Lynch tune revamped and
reinvented by the band delivers a collection of moody and strange stuff, not your ordinary "indie", "ambient" or "jazz" record indeed.
Scanning the tracklist, every sort of inspiration shows up from the black droneanthem "1952", to the harsh & hypnotic crescendo of "Drive In Lovers"; from the epic psychodoom of the opening track "The Big Nowhere"
to the passionate vocal performance laid over the doomstep insanity of "Death of a Caddy.
Inspired by the black shores of Bolsena Lake, an ancient and evocative lake in the outskirts of Rome, "Black Lake Confidence" blends together an imaginary place where Twin Peaks, Capocotta and Dallas (murder places of Laura Palmer,
Wilma Montesi and J F Kennedy respectively) meet and come to life. Lyrically, the record deals with love and death stories, loss and defeat.

A: Big Nowhere / 1952 / Death Of A Caddie / Kennedism
B: Just You & I / Drive In Lovers / Wilma, The Shore / Black Lake Confidence
For listeners who are into:
Bohren und der Club of Gore, John Zorn, Zu, Dale Cooper Quartet, Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensamble, Shackleton, Demdike Stare .
Order & streaming
the band
Label and Mailorder | Roma | Italia
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