mercoledì 4 settembre 2013

UK Super Metallers Monsterwork Stream 'Earth' At

ClawHammer PR

UK Super Metallers MONSTERWORKS Stream Earth on

Eat Lead and Die Music has recently released Earth, the newest achievement from UK-based Super Metal entity MONSTERWORKS.

The album, which features the band's usual brilliantly-crafted and melodically-sound blend of modern thrash and progressive metal, has been available via the MOSTERWORKS' webstore since last month, with digital distribution now offered through the usual digital retailers. The album is also being offered as a special edition numbered digipak CD signed by the band, with lyric booklet and two bonus tracks. has just posted the album, in its entirety, on its pages for online consumption. To stream this eight-track masterpiece, visit this location.

For a chance to win a copy of Earth, along with its predecessors The God Album (2011) and The Album of Man (2012), check out the newest contest at The site is accepting entries until Friday, September 13th for one lucky winner to receive a copy of all three. To eneter, visit

Vocalist/Guitarist Jon had this to say about the concepts surrounding Earth,

"I am intrigued by evolution, not just of biological organisms but also how the physical world changes over time, so it was not that much of a stretch to consider doing an album themed around the life-cycle of Earth; beginning with its origin 'From Dust and Gravity' where a clumping together of rock and minerals left over from a supernova explosion formed a globe orbiting an infant star. Each track progresses chronologically, from an early period called the 'Late Heavy Bombardment' which is thought to have delivered water and seeded chemical elements that developed into life and what was to be our 'Last Universal Ancestor.' Then we move onto a time where cyanobacteria started to photosynthesize and a process of 'Oxygenation' paved the way for more complex animals to evolve, 'Powered by Fate' as it were. Explosions of life, even when resulting in huge animals like dinosaurs, were often 'Bookended by Extinction' events that wiped the slate almost entirely clean until our chance came in the present 'Aeon of Man.' 

Earth honors the seemingly miraculous yet naturally occurring planet on which we live. The title track is the only song that gets a little preachy about our responsibility as custodians of the environment; the rest is just a tale of the sequence of events that got us this far. So take from it philosophically what you will, MONSTERWORKS primarily aims to produce metal which blurs the boundaries between preposterousness and the familiar while hopefully initiating a little independent thought along the way."


From Dust and Gravity

Late Heavy Bombardment

Last Universal Ancestor


Powered by Fate

Bookended By Extinction

Aeon of Man


If you want an idea about what Monsterworks sounds like, past reviews put it best:


"There are some big shapes within these tracks. Very big shapes. Each track has a completely different sound, starting with huge chunky riffs to chew on and then turning to sludge-like doom number, closing with a tranquil, melodic tune." 

- Culture Bomb Magazine

"At times bizarre, at times incomprehensible, and at all times utterly interesting. The experience gives you so much in such a short amount of time that it's absolutely worth the ride, even if you only manage to take in half of everything available."

"Monsterworks have no boundaries and flip the bird at the rule book."

"With powerful lyrics that doubt one's belief, the band's music is far more than harmony and technique, for it might make a person think and confront himself with things he may consider undoubtedly true."

- Metal Shock Finland


"Monsterworks is an amazing grungey, progressive, sometimes thrashy sometimes insane kind of band with amazing musicianship and incredible songwriting abilities."  

- Tragedy Axe

Scott Alisoglu / Ryan Ogle
Clawhammer PR 

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